Would you like a stall at Kingscliff Beachside Markets?
Things to consider
We are a non-powered site and are limited to the number of generators we are permitted to have
You will need to have a current Insurance Policy and a COVIDSafe Plan
We support small business and do not cater for bric-a-brac / second-hand product stalls
Stall holder selection is at the discretion of the Market Team
Food operators must meet all food Health & Safety regulations and labelling requirements; and operate accordingly. They must also complete COVID-19 awareness for food service
There is a quota on each stall type to create a balance across the product types, however Kingscliff Lions Beachside Markets is particularly interested in and supports products which are local, sustainable and environmentally friendly
All stall holders that wish to trade with us are required to choose from a option below
You are not guaranteed a space until your application has been accepted. You will receive an email to the address you apply with.
Click below to apply:
Once submitted, your application will be assessed by the Market Team and you will be notified via email.
Please understand that our decisions are based on a variety of considerations that we are not always at liberty to discuss. We do appreciate your interest but our priority is to support our current stall holders, so please respect our decisions. In turn, we will greatly appreciate and respect your professionalism.
If you are offered a stall, we will provide you with more information to prepare you for the market day. You are also required to read the Kingscliff Lions Beachside Operational Policy below. By accepting a stall, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the the information set out in this policy.
OPERATIONAL POLICY (updated March 2022)
Market Operator
The Lions Club of Kingscliff Inc, by resolution of Tweed Shire Council at its meeting on 3rd June 2009, has been granted conditional approval to conduct the market at Jack Bayliss Park. The market coordinator(s) will comprise member(s) of the Kingscliff Lions Club or an agent appointed by the Club.
Cancellation Policy
Payment is non-refundable. Credits will only be issued in the event the market is cancelled.
You have until 12 noon on the Thursday prior to market day to pay the stall fee. Unpaid fees may result in your stall being re-allocated. If you have concerns about the weather forecast for market day, please email us at info@kingscliffmarkets.com and we will issue a payment extension until Friday 8am (24hrs before market day) to allow you more time to decide. Bookings close after this time.
Details will include precise stall type, stall space required, and insurance details which will include policy number, expiry date and the name of the insurer. The coordinator will make contact regarding these applications during the week leading up to the market. Permanent stallholders who have been registered to a specific site will need to inform the coordinator of any changes, including non-attendance, by Wednesday 10am prior to market day.
All stallholders are to be covered by Public Liability Insurance. A copy of the policy is to be maintained by the coordinator, who reserves the right to request inspection of the original document.
Site Allocation
Casual sites will be allocated by the bookings coordinator prior to the market day and you will be notified of your stall number prior, in most cases. Sites will be marked to assist with the allocation of preferred sites for stallholders.The site manager will is located in the Lions Club gazebo to assist where needed. If permanent stallholders have not taken up their registered sites by 7am and/or have not contacted the coordinator, the site may be reallocated and permanent status forfeited. Sites are not to be sublet by permanent stallholders.
Stall Types
The coordinator reserves the right to refuse an application for a stall in any case where a stall is deemed to be out of character with the market amenity; if there is doubt as to the legality of goods or where a number of similar goods is currently being sold.
Counterfeit Goods
The sale or display of counterfeit goods is an offence and such goods are prohibited within the confines of the market area. Any person found in possession of, displaying or offering for sale counterfeit brand name goods will be reported to police and evicted from the market. Some products may have to comply with mandatory standards and it is your responsibility to ensure your product complies with the law in this respect. Enquiries in this regard may be directed to Go Biz or the Office of Fair Trade and Equity.
Food Products
All prepared food products are to be labelled in accordance with the provisions of the NSW Food Act. Home premises where food is prepared for sale shall be inspected by Councils Health Surveyor and a certificate to that effect is to be shown to the market coordinator. Where food is prepared on site, the structure and operation of same is to have the written approval of council. Stallholders involved in the preparation and sale of food are to be attired in approved clothing including aprons, disposable latex gloves and head-covering.
To ensure an amiable and harmonious environment, stallholders are to conduct themselves in a civil manner and should not be involved in disputes with other stallholders. Profane language will not be tolerated. Should a stallholder wish to make a complaint then that complaint has to be in writing with substantiating evidence in the event of any legal action which may arise. If a dispute cannot be resolved, then ALL parties involved may have their invitation to trade at the market withdrawn.
Stallholder Parking
Stallholders are requested to park their vehicles in the designated parking area after setting up. All vehicles are to be removed from the trading area by 7am and the access will then be locked until 1.00pm. The access to the main parking area is to remain clear of vehicles at all times as it is a designated thoroughfare for emergency vehicles. The only exception for vehicles in the trading area is for stallholders who sell perishable goods which are required by the Food Act to be stored above ground level or where the stallholder is registered as a driver with disabilities. It is requested that the parking area on Marine Parade and in the Emergency Vehicle Access Road be reserved for customers. Please confirm whether a vehicle can be parked behind your site.
Rubbish Removal
Rubbish bins are provided for the general public. Stallholders are responsible for the removal of self-generated rubbish.
Dept. Fair Trading
Contact the Department of Fair Trading (ph 133220 or 07 5599 5211) for information regarding business name registration, second hand dealer licences or by selling goods by weights and measures.
$40 per 3 x 3 site
Packing Up
Packing up is not to commence until 1.00pm and vehicles are not to be brought into the market precinct until that time.
By accepting a stall site, stallholders acknowledge they have read and accept this policy and will trade in accordance with the terms therein.
Non-conformance may result in the withdrawal of the invitation to trade at the market.